- How We are Responding to COVID-19 -

May 14, 2020

A Message to our Seasonal and Permanent Residents

In Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls we understand that our recreational property owners wish to check their cottage properties and that you miss the rural, wilderness community that we are all lucky enough to call home or home-away-from-home.

It is important to clarify that seasonal residents who are not restricted to traveling in Canada are not banned from visiting their properties in Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls. We do ask, however, that you follow the guidance, regulations and advice applicable to the province of Ontario and, if this applies to you, your province of permanent residence; this includes respecting travel limitations, isolation and quarantine guidelines, legal limits on the number of people who can gather, no outdoor fires (there is a province-wide fire ban in effect in Ontario – includes all outdoor burning – having a seasonal fire permit does not exempt anyone), no fireworks, socially/physically distancing measures, etc.

In Ontario, the guidelines and laws established by the province of Ontario are in effect. Here are some resources specific to Ontario, including Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls:

Province of Ontario – Covid-19: https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-stop-spread#stay-home

Public Health – Travel: https://www.nwhu.on.ca/covid19/Pages/travel.aspx

Public Health – Physical Distancing: https://www.nwhu.on.ca/covid19/Pages/physical-distancing.aspx

Public Health – Self-Isolation: https://www.nwhu.on.ca/covid19/Pages/self-isolation.aspx

We also understand that the guidelines change very quickly. At the time of writing, the strict measures listed above apply to us all. We ask that if you are considering a trip to your recreational property that you please bring all of your supplies and everything that you need from your permanent home community, that you practice physical distancing, don’t leave your property unless it is absolutely necessary and refrain from visiting with your friends and neighbours (outside of your immediate family – those who you reside with at your permanent residence).

There is no question of the importance of all of our residents, permanent and seasonal, to our local community. We ask that everyone, whether you call this your permanent residence or cottage property, please follow the guidelines of the province of Ontario, Northwestern Health Unit and government of Canada.

We are all in this together. It will take all of us to get through this. Please be patient and kind, and have a wonderful Victoria Day weekend.

Thank you.



May 13, 2020

A Message Regarding Municipal Operations

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our residents for their vigilance; for staying in isolation where required and staying home unless necessary. This is our best defence in keeping our community safe. While rural communities may be hit later than urban areas, we could be hit harder—with older populations, thinner resources and limited local health care access.

We would also, again, like to thank our essential service providers. This includes, but is not limited to, our municipal staff, public health workers, fire fighters, paramedics, clinic personnel, grocers, suppliers, retailers, food services, postal workers, highway maintenance, financial service workers and more; those who cannot stay home, but leave the safety of their residences and their loved ones to provide us all with necessary goods and services.

Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls Council and Administration are continuing to communicate seven-days per week to map the way forward. This includes weekly web conferencing with the Northwestern Health Unit and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, as well as regular web conferencing with peer municipalities, district and provincial Chief Administrative Officers, Mayors, our Provincial Member of Parliament, local and regional Economic Development agencies and more.

Our offices and facilities remain operating on a modified pandemic schedule. The office is closed to the public, but our main switch board remains available during regular business hours by calling 807-226-5241 ext. 201 or emailing [email protected]. Our landfill sites remain open, our public works department remains working on facilities and roads and our clinic remains operating on a modified basis. The following facilities remain closed by order of the Province: Public Libraries, Fitness Centres, Community Centres, Parks, Provincial Parks (walking, cycling and bird watching is permitted – no vehicular access beyond limited parking – no camping, beach access, picnics, etc. currently permitted), Sports Fields/Grounds, Playgrounds, Golf Course, Beaches and other outdoor recreational areas. As well, there is no outdoor burning permitted in Ontario until further notice.

The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls is committed to providing updates as soon as possible. This includes information regarding local, regional, provincial and federal relief programs. We understand that municipalities are the level of government closest to people’s lives. Small communities are at the heart of this country’s economy and well-being. Our communities also need to be at the heart of provincial and federal pandemic response programs. When the time comes to set us on the road to recovery, the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls will be here to ensure you’re at the heart of that too.

Thank you again for your continued cooperation and diligence in social and physical distancing, self-isolation, avoiding unnecessary travel and staying home unless absolutely necessary.

807-226-5241 Ph.
[email protected] Email

Bridge & Falls Creative Residency
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