- Public Notices, Tenders and RFPs -
February 4th, 2025
The Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls (The Township) is requesting proposals from entrepreneurs and business operators to establish a “pop-up shop”/ mobile business operation in one of the following municipally owned venues: Sioux Narrows Government Dock, Nestor Falls Government Dock, Nestor Falls Information Centre, Bass Lake Park.
The purpose of the RFP is to invite entrepreneurs and business operators to develop and submit a proposal to operate a pop-up shop in this space during the summer season in 2025. We expect operations of this pop-up business to commence in June and to end by mid-September. Operating hours for this space must be within Day-light hours. All businesses ideas are welcome.
Proposals must be submitted to, along with any questions regarding this proposal call, or requests to arrange for a viewing of the moving gallery prior to the proposal submission deadline: February 28th, 2025.
The detailed RFP is available here.
Heather Gropp, MBA
Community Development Officer
Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls
P.O. Box 417
Sioux Narrows, Ontario
P0X 1N0
Tel: 807.226.5241
Cell: 807-464-2720
Email: [email protected]
February 4th, 2025
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls is Seeking a Volunteer Board Member for the District of Kenora Home for the Aged – Board of Management.
We are seeking applications from interested persons to fill a vacancy on the District of Kenora Home for the Aged Board of Management, to serve Area 1 (Kenora and Sioux Narrows-
Nestor Falls).
Eligibility for applicants is in accordance with the Homes for the Aged & Rest Homes Act. An individual is qualified to be a member if they are:
• at least 18 years of age;
• a resident of the district; and,
• not employed by the board of management or any of the supporting municipalities.
If interested, please complete a Volunteer Boards/Committees Application Form and submit to:
Wanda Kabel, CAO
[email protected]
January 9th, 2025
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls is seeking expressions of interest to provide on-going Graphic Design services.
The Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls is seeking to retain expressions of interest from qualified professional firms to provide timely graphic design support for a variety of municipal projects and publications. We are looking to engage with firms who work collaboratively with us to develop and produce unique high-quality designs and to help us deliver a variety of municipal messaging on a regular basis. Types of publications/documents requests include but are not limited to:
– Municipal updates/ plans/ communications
– Business Recruitment documents
-Community Information documents
– Visitor Guides and Publications, and Tourism Marketing
-Social media graphics and design
-Trail brochures and mapping
– Museum style panels and design.
The Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls is located along the eastern shores of Lake of the Woods. Lake of the Woods is one of the world’s largest inland, freshwater lakes with over 14,000 islands and 65,000 miles of shore line. We are a full-service community marked by a quaint and charming lifestyle while surrounded by an abundance of natural resources. As a small municipality, approximately 1000 residents in the winter months and 5000 in the summer months, the Township takes pride in its community spirit.
Interested firms are invited to prepare a proposal which highlights their experience with a wide variety of work (municipal work preferred), creativity, and unique vision. Proposals must include samples of previous work, listing and qualification of team members, customer response and turnaround timelines, price list and hourly rates and letters of recommendation.
All interested firms are invited to submit one electronic copy of their expression of interest by noon January 29th, 2025. Please note that the Township may choose to engage with one or more proponents. Contractual exclusivity for design services is not implied by this process. It is strongly recommended that interested proponents access our Municipal Website: www.snnf.ca to view our strategies and planning documents, and to learn more about our community prior to submitting a proposal.
Proposals and requests for further information should be directed to:
Heather Gropp- Community Development Officer: [email protected]
Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls
Phone: 807-226-5241 ext 209. Cell: 827-464-2720
Web: www.snnf.ca
January 7th, 2025
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls is seeking proposals for:
2025-2026 Municipal Grounds Maintenance
Includes grounds, brush and refuse maintenance of Sioux Narrows and Nestor Falls Municipal Facilities and Properties.
More information, the deadline and the bid forms can be found here: Grounds Maintenance RFP 2025-2026
November 28th, 2024
The Planning Report for the Pioneer Park Statutory Public Meeting scheduled for December 3rd, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Sioux Narrows, Ontario, can be viewed here: Planning Report – Official Plan and Zoning Amendments Pioneer Park.
November 8th, 2024
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls will hold a Statutory Public Meeting to consider amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act as follows:
THE PURPOSE of the amendments is to permit residential housing on the property formerly known as “Pioneer Park”, located in the Sioux Narrows townsite.
THE EFFECT of the amendments is to allow for a new 6 unit residential development on a portion of the property, and a Hold (H) on the balance of the property until such time as all environmental issues have been addressed.
STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING on December 3rd 2024 at 1:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Sioux Narrows, Ontario.
ANY PERSON MAY ATTEND the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments. At the public meeting, presentations that would take longer than five minutes should be presented in written form and summarized orally. All written submissions received prior to December 3rd, 2024, or comments on submissions made at the public meeting, will be considered.
If an agency or public body does not make a written or oral submission to the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls before the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment is adopted, or at the public meeting, they are not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls to the Ontario land Tribunal (OLT). In addition, the agency or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the OLT unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the agency or public body as a party.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Copies of the amendments are available for review as follows:
• On the Municipal Website for viewing or download at: OPA 01 24 (Pioneer Park) and ZBLA 03 24 (Pioneer Park)
• At the Township Bulletin Board in Sioux Narrows, Ontario
IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED OF THE RECOMMENDATION AND/OR THE DECISION in respect of this matter, you must submit a written request to:
Jeffrey Port, MCIP, RPP, Director of Planning and Development
PO Box 417, Sioux Narrows, ON P0X 1N0
Phone: 807-464-1481 – or – email: [email protected].
For further information, comments, or questions about the zoning by-law, please contact: Jeffrey Port, MCIP, RPP. Phone: 807-464-1481, or email: [email protected].
DATED at the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls: November 8th, 2024
Jeffrey Port, MCIP, RPP, Director of Planning and Development
November 1st, 2024
Final Report – Environmental Assessment – Pioneer Park
The report and recommendations therein were prepared for the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls. The report is not to be relied upon for any other purpose but that which was set out by the Council of the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls, and the township disclaims any unauthorized use.
Click here to view the report.
Notice of Sale of Surplus Items by Bid
Bids are invited and will be received for the following items that have been declared surplus by Council:
1. 1998 Fire Truck, Engine Make/Model 429-V4 Lima, Pump Make/Model Darley LDM, Single Cab, Bench Seat Style, Current kms 299,901, 5 Compartments on each side, 1 rear Compartment, 4-2/5” Discharges, 1-4” Storz Discharge, 1-Monitor Discharge, 2-Preconnect Hose Beds, 3-Section Supply Hose Bends. Minimum bid $15,000.00.
2. Metal Swing Set adjacent to Sioux Narrows Municipal Office/Fire Hall. Unit is currently installed with cement. Removal by bidder preferred, under supervision of the Municipal Maintenance Supervisor or designate, leaving minimal to no site damage after removal. If bidder cannot remove, indicate in bid. No minimum bid. Preference will be given to highest bid offer that includes self-removal, confirming no/minimal damage to site after removal in writing.
Both above are on an “as is, where is” basis. Truck may be seen by contacting the Fire Chief at 807-464-1293 or [email protected] and any answers shall be directed to the Fire Chief. The swing may be seen adjacent to the Sioux Narrows Municipal Office/Fire Hall (5521 Highway 71).
Separate bids are required for each item and bidder must indicate on outside of envelope if bid is for the “Fire Truck” or the “Swing Set”.
Bid(s) must be sealed and must include price (please note that HST in addition to the bid offer price is applicable), bidder’s name, address and contact information (email address and telephone number), and must be signed by the bidder.
It is the bidder’s responsibility to make arrangements to view the item(s) and obtain further information.
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls
P.O. Box 417
5521 Highway 71 Sioux Narrows, Ontario P0X 1N0
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls is under no obligation to accept any or all bids. The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls has sole and unfettered discretion in the acceptance, review, evaluation and selection of any and all bids or proposals received.
April 2nd, 2024
The Council of the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls adopted the Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls Integrity Commissioner Report dated March 17th, 2024, by resolution 29-24, on April 2nd, 2024. The report can be found by clicking here.
February 8th, 2024
Municipal Short-Term Rental Policy Change
Over the past 5 years, there has been a growing trend in the use of online booking services such as Air B&B and Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO) for residential homeowners to rent out their homes on a short-term basis for the purpose of generating income. These are commonly known as Short Term Rentals, or STRS. The emergence of STRS as income properties is widespread, both internationally and in Canada and the United States.
However, while generating income for the owner, many of these rental properties have a negative impact on neighbourhoods and communities – they also generate land use conflicts in residential areas, and tend to create shortages in affordable housing as investors purchase modestly prices homes as commercial rental properties.
Additionally, STR’s deplete the limited housing stock available in community as properties are being purchased for income making it challenging for new and existing residents to find housing in our community. The lack of available housing in the community can contribute to stagnation within our economy and is something we hope to mitigate in our community.
The Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls has not been immune to this trend, as many cottage owners have seen this as an opportunity to generate some additional income from their cottage when not in use. Further, many potential purchasers are now using this as a business model to assist in the financing of a new cottage purchase.
The Township has been attempting the manage STRS though the zoning by-law over the past several years. As a result, it has become clear that a more precise land use policy would be helpful to Council in making land use decisions on STRS. Planning staff have been directed to prepare a new policy in the Official Plan that will assist Council making decisions on the approval of future STRS, taking into consideration potential disruptions in residential neighbourhoods, the health and safety of the public and the impact on affordable housing in the community.
There were two public open houses, May 2nd, 2023, and June 6th, 2023, and a Statutory Public Meeting was held July 4th, 2023, to review and comment on the proposed amendment to the Official Plan. Council considered the related by-laws at their regular meeting August 1st, 2023 and finally passed the by-laws at their regular meeting September 5th, 2023. The matter was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, however as of February 8th, 2024, the Appeal was withdrawn, the matter was closed and the amendments passed September 5th, 2023, are in force.
The amendments have passed and are now in force. For more information, please contact the Planning Department at the Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls at 807-226-5241.
February 6th, 2024
The Municipal Council of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls has closed the open RFP for the Pioneer Park property. They have received a proposal from Ayrie Development which they will begin reviewing.
The Township remains open to receiving RFPs for Lot 2. Detailed information on this RFP can be found here: Lot 2 RFP
This is an open and on-going RFP. Proposals from qualified housing developers will be accepted until council deems the process closed.
For further information please contact: Heather Gropp, Community Development Officer [email protected]
November 8th, 2023
Dear Community Members:
Re: Updates from the Sioux Narrows Nursing Station
On behalf of Municipal Council and our Clinic Physicians, we would like to take this opportunity to give a few updates and friendly reminders regarding Nursing Station services and policies.
Please note that the Sioux Narrows Nursing Station is NOT a family medical practice, walk-in clinic, nor urgent care clinic. It is not able to perform diagnostic testing or imaging on site. Under the terms of Ontario’s Underserviced Area Program funding, the mandate of the community clinic is to make medical care available for residents of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls who do not have a primary care provider (e.g., are not yet rostered to a doctor).
The community clinic provides two, 3-hour (maximum) Physician Clinics per week attended by Dr. Rowena Lass and Dr. Kerry Anderson. Caitlin Campbell, RN, also holds regular nursing clinic days. Dawn Madden is the friendly voice on the phone and face at reception who also carries out many other administrative duties at the clinic.
This is not a walk-in clinic. Appointments MUST BE scheduled by phone ahead of time by calling 807-226-1081. The clinic is not open or staffed every day, so if you are unable to reach Dawn, please use the clinic phone number to call back during clinic hours. Please do not leave appointment requests on the voice messaging system. People with urgent or emergent medical concerns should contact 911 or attend the closest emergency department.
In recent years, there has been an increase in clients without access to a family doctor or nurse at any other clinic. To continue to accommodate those most in need and without alternative access to primary care, as of December 1, 2023, we will no longer be able to see those who have (are rostered to) a family doctor or nurse practitioner in another community (eg. Kenora, Emo, Fort Frances or Winnipeg). Please contact your own primary care provider for all future appointments.
Services remain available to those without a primary care provider, and we suggest registering with Health Care Connect at: 1-800-445-1822 or https://hcc3.hcc.moh.gov.on.ca/HCCWeb/faces/layoutHCCHomePage.xhtml
Nursing Station hours, when available at the time of publishing, are posted in the monthly newsletter, as well as on our voice mail. When dates do change, we make all reasonable attempts to post these changes. We ask that people DO NOT contact clinic staff outside of office hours, or on their private/personal phone numbers or social media to request an appointment. This applies to everyone. We have directed our staff not to respond to messages of this nature.
We are happy to have these health services available locally and provide the above information to help guide appropriate use of the services. Only in this way can our medical staff best serve client needs and sustain services into the future.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Gale Black, Mayor
Kerry Anderson, BSc, MD, CCFP
Rowena Lass, MB, ChB
The Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by Local Authority Services (LAS) between between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. For further information and access to LAS request for proposal (RFP) notices, please review the website at www.las.on.ca.